Friday, November 29, 2019

Trainspotting Section C; Film progression exam revision

Trainspotting; Baby scene

- How are the elements of film form used to create aesthetics effect in this sequence?

The blue flood lights in the hallway are used to connote the aesthetic of the sequence by contrasting against the warm rooms at the end of the hall, the room that the drug use takes place.
Blue portrays the sombre tone of the next scene, where the baby is found dead but is also used to show the after effects of the drug use and the consequence.

Before the audience even gets placed in the narrative, we hear a female screaming in distress.
This sets a horrible tone to the scene as the audience doesn't even know what is going to happen.
The female scream, overlaps with a babies cry, which is later explained in the narrative.
Renton's voice over, that is used through out the motion picture, tells the story of the distressing events that are about to take place and he even says that " Alison has been screaming for days",

Shots/ Editing:
The camera pans from the blue hued hallway to the warm drugs room, in a handheld tracking shot, which shows how fast paced the events seem but also portrays the high that the drugs are giving them. this contrast to Alisons lack of time keeping as she has later realised she has malnourished the baby to death and has left it to die in a dirty nappy and clothes. It then jump cuts to Sick Boy suddenly sitting up out of his own drug trance but then cuts back to the tracking shot of Alison screaming in the middle all the characters. We then see a montage of close-ups of the characters reaction.


At the beginning of the scene we see a brief look into the rooms in the flat, they are covered in peeling red paint and bricks crumbling from the walls. This shows how fast drugs can deaerate their life style and also shows that they aren't that bothered about it. Later on we see Renton laying on a dirty, broken mattress on the floor that has no bedding and yet again he isn't bothered about it. There is no wall sperating the kitchen and the "living" room and we briefly see that there is wires hanging out of the walls and the windows are boarded up with some sort of plastic. The clothes that the characters are wearing are old and scraggly which reflects their mental state throughout the film.

This Is England;


Silent Cinema

4 Short Buster Keaton shorts;

Silent Film;
 1890's - Approx 1930's
1927 was when the first film came out with sound.

Silent Comedy;


Aesthetics qualities and conventions


Buster Keaton;

Use Of Film Form

Social And Cultural Contexts;
Vaudeuville Theatre/ Audience Expectations
Technology and consumer culture
Social attitudes
Art and Culture references

1895- Lumiere ( Cinema of Attractions)
No Narrative, more about audience sensations. Normally Realist.

Soviet montage Theory

Ideologies ;
 Editing is deemed as manipulative towards the audience.

Narrative film making evokes ideological views

Silent comedy;
Physical/ visual comedy, often violent.
Occasional visual gags (Title Cards)
Chaplin Keaton could be perceived as early auteurs.