Thursday, January 24, 2019

Trainspotting; Overdose scene 1

Trainspotting; Overdose Scene
At the outset of the scene, we see Mark Renton pounce into the low shot of the bedsit. The audience automatically makes the assumption that Renton has reverted back to his "old" drug abusing self. Renton and Swanney ( the supplier of Heroin), make the exchanging of drugs seem a comical and restaurant like through the use of the dialogue.
The scene then moves on to Renton passed out on the floor, when Swanney then says "Sir, would you like me to call a taxi.", this is a continuation of the inside restaurant joke which actually means "Should I call an ambulance ?". The camera quickly shifts to a longshot of an ambulance which the demographic actually assumes is for Renton but ironically the ambulance drives past Renton in the middle of the road.
Throughout the scene, the non-diegetic music which is playing is written and sung by a Heroin addict and the lyrics is a metaphor for overdosing and death via drugs. The overdose does not come to a shock to the nurses & doctors at the hospital but implies that it is a second nature to them. In the 1980's Heroin and drug abuse was not uncommon, we see this in how supportive Renton's parents are after the over dose and during the detox. 

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