Thursday, March 28, 2019

Trainspotting; Opening scene.

 Close ups are used to draw attention to what happens, letting the audience know what the key ideas and ideologies of the film is. For instance, when Renton takes a hit, he falls on the floor, it then cuts to a close up of his head on the ground, enshrouded in shadows.

 There is a lot of 'dynamic' movement, that has been stabilised, this creates a surreal feeling within the audience, much like drugs would do. Such as when the camera pans from Renton's head, around to the other side of is body.

 The camera doesn't stop moving, until drugs are involved. This signifies that drugs are to be taken carefully and respected by them, as they take more time with them than other activities, such as football.
Freeze framing is used when introducing the characters, with a title name appearing. This allows the audience to know who the characters are from the very beginning, and also that they are who they need to pay attention to.
 The characters are represented and foreshadowed during the opening sequence, as to how they will act later on. Tommy is trapped in a corner looking for a way out, in the football match, he later is the one who needs help and no one gives it to him. Sick boy trips someone up and the gets angry, much like how he blames what he does on others... etc.

 There is a very quick pace, especially at the beginning, there is no establishing shot, instead it begins with a  close up of Renton running and a quick cuts. 

 The editing also goes back and forward in time... Renton takes a drug, then it cuts to football, then Renton gets kicked in the head by a football and starts falling, it then cuts to him falling after taking a drug, and continues to cut between the two.
The song "Just for life" by Iggy Pop, is a very upbeat song, and this is what the film begins with. However, Iggy Pop was also a very big heroine addict, so the song still has a sense of darkness and reliability to the film. 

 The use of Renton's voice over is also helpful for the audience, as it gives a background to the characters and story, it also introduces Renton as the protagonist.
The lighting is very high key, there is very little shots that a dark, especially when drugs are being used. Combined with a lot of colour within the flat when taking drugs, mostly reds and greens. However, this is also mixed with a lot of normal light colour and other smaller colours. Yet the bedsits are grotty, in contrast with the rest of the, otherwise, clean feel and happy lighting.

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